成人和 Nontraditional Students

Find flexible online programs and degree completion options for adult and non-traditional students at LSU Shreveport.  

Finish Your Degree Your Way at LSUS 

成人和 non-traditional students enrich our academic community with diverse experiences and perspectives. That’s why we are dedicated to providing flexible, career-focused programs that meet the needs of working adult students and other non-traditional students seeking to finish their degrees. We invite 你 to explore our online program options, or talk to an admissions advisor about how we can get 你 on track for completing 你r degree.  

Online Degree Options

Earn 你r degree without putting 你r life on hold. LSU Shreveport offers a wide selection of undergraduate and graduate programs 100% online. 不仅   have 24/7 access to course material,你也会 learn from the same world-class instructors who teach our on-campus students. Explore online programs at LSUS 

Admission Requirements for 成人和 Non-Traditional Students

If 你 are a first-time freshman age 25 or older, 你 are not required to meet the Board of Regents' minimum admission criteria for freshman. However, 你 must meet the 标准化 test score requirements for traditional first-time 新生(ACT, SAT, or ACCUPLACER). Students must pass BOTH ACCUPLACERS (english and elementary algebra). You’ll also need to provide high school transcripts or proof of high school graduation. 

Talk to an 十大买球平台靠谱网址平台 Advisor

Have questions about what 你 need to complete 你r degree, or how 你 can find a program to balance work and education? Our expert advising team 将 be happy to help 你 talk through the options. Talk to an LSUS admissions advisor